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    #1   nL @ 01.02.07 17:19 [пожаловаться]   
Ever since GoodGame announced the retirement of Dimitri "dim2k" Larue and the departure of Thierry "Curiel" Dos Santos, the rumors regarding their successors spread out to include each and every top French player. Rumors were now put to an end with a statement released moments ago on GG's website announcing their 5th player: Issam "Issam" Lahouasnia.

Concerning the choice made by the organization, the GG.cs coach William "Wily" Depoitte, had this to say: “We have experienced in the past picking up individual players from different other top team. Not only does it rarely work out, but often it ends up being an extra weight over our shoulders, which we are unable to bear. The fact that talented players are willing to invest their time and effort to get somewhere with us is much more important and is a sign of greater reliability for us to appreciate”.

He further added: “IsSam has already shown in the past that he was a solid player. Both him and Guillaume are calm and can handle the pressure of top competition. It's great to have a "dream team on paper" with the biggest names out there, but it's far more interesting to have a team you can count on to perform consistently. It's the basis we’ve had in the past and it's the one we want to get back to”.

GG will be attending the shgOpen.

Their roster now consists of:

Frйdйric "OliGan" Ngor
Matthias "Baldours" Denis
Julien "MaYeRs" Riviиre
Guillaume "Blqcko" Bakaga
Issam "Issam" Lahouasnia

Извините переводить крайне влом но как вы сами поняли - пятым в гудгейм стал иссам ранее игравший за много топовых команд Франции таких как аАа
    #2   bR @ 01.02.07 17:20 [пожаловаться]   
gl GG!
    #3   Saimon @ 01.02.07 17:20 [пожаловаться]   
Удалите тему
    #4   Surpise @ 01.02.07 19:22 [пожаловаться]   
gg им
    #5   АРХЕОЛОГИ АУ @ 01.02.07 20:50 [пожаловаться]   
#3 зачем? Парень молодец, нашёл, отписал, не перевёл, но это и не нужно, кому интерестно, тот понял!
    #9   Vladhooligan @ 30.06.08 01:18 [пожаловаться]   
это типо они играют на серверах GunGame впятером? Shocked Shocked Shocked
е6аНа да этож проблема ее надо срочно решить Arrow
6раблеевцЫ разберитесь е6аНа бедный иссам ранее игравший за много топовых команд Франции таких как аАа не может решить проблему
    #12   Gunther @ 30.06.08 04:18 [пожаловаться]   
[лови жыгу]

Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised Shocked Confused Cool Laughing Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink Exclamation Question Idea Arrow

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