The "OLDI PP Cup" tournament series sponsored by OLDI are constantly developing. The audience is growing and all the best russian and CIS players already enjoyed the tournament.
The next step in the development of the best russian online WarCraft III tournament is the new prize-pool. Now it's not only the winner who gets 200 euro but it is 85 euro for the runner-up! These nice changes will apply immediately from now and will concern tomorrow's OLDI PP Cup #6.
Moreover there will be the first Counter-Strike 2vs2 tournament this Sunday. More likely it will start the new series of tournaments sponsored by OLDI in this most popular nomination. The rules for this tournament will be published soon. By the way the changes in the prize-pool will apply to the Counter-Strike tournament as well - besides 200 euro for the first place there will be 85 euro for the runner-up.
We hope to see even more fans and participants on OLDI PP Cup, so we're looking forward for you sign-ups!
by dark_Xeon